Providing the Power to Protect
Discovering lost stories of the past, preserving historic sites, and ensuring Texas’s legacy for all generations is a feat that requires people who are passionate, dedicated, and knowledgeable about the cause. For that reason, we provide educational programs that inform, inspire, and train those willing to help—whether they are just beginning or are professionals in the field of preservation.
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K-12 Programs
Texas history is a core part of the curriculum in Texas public schools. We support the THC in augmenting classroom instruction with hands-on learning for students through field trips to historic sites, where they learn from preservation professionals who make this history come alive for them, or through distance learning opportunities developed by the THC based on state curriculum standards and guidelines.
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Preservation Scholars Program
Our post-secondary programs, like the Preservation Scholars Program, seek to generate interest in historic preservation among college students from underrepresented ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Through paid internships at the THC, we encourage these students to consider pursuing careers in history, architecture, archeology, downtown revitalization, and heritage tourism, lending their unique voices to the telling of Texas history.
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Professional Programs
With programs like the Real Places Conference and our Development Webinars, we aim to provide public officials, stewards, and professionals in the fields of preservation, archeology, architecture, heritage travel and tourism, the non-profit sector and more with the knowledge and resources they need.
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